chapter 4-8

*** UPDATE 5/11/2022 ***

I'm sorry to do this, but I need to put Soliloquy on hiatus for the time being. I've been planning to do this for a while. I was hoping to finish the current chapter first, but for my mental wellbeing, I gotta stop forcing it.

I don't know if anyone wants an explanation. It's mainly burnout though. I love Soliloquy and would draw it fulltime if I could, but right now, I'm lacking the time and the mental fortitude to give the comic what it deserves. In theory I could cut back on my update schedule, but even if I update slowly, I also need to feel good about the work I'm producing, and I haven't been in that place for a while.

I would like to be back soon. I'm planning to touch up some old pages in the meantime. And you are welcome to follow my Twitter to get updates on my art, my YouTube videos, and anything else I'm up to.

Thank you for your support and patience.

- Lee